Monday, December 19, 2011

Skating Couple

After a busy week of birthday celebrations, things were back to normal here. Now the kiddies are gearing up for the Hanukkah/Christmas festivities.

We started out the weekend with Lily's last piano lesson of 2011 and a movie night showing of 101 Dalmatians. On Saturday we went downtown to ice skate at the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden. After skating and a lunch out, we came home to relax. The kids spent Saturday night with a babysitter and had a great time.

On Sunday Jack had a birthday party and Lily a play date but other than that we just spent time at home. A rarity in recent weeks.

Overall, a nice quiet weekend.

Here are a few pictures:

Getting ready to skate.

Lily in front on green. Jack dragging Marcy down in the back :)

It is a lot of work skating with Jack. Fortunately, both Lily and Jack start lessons in a few weeks.

With a sculpture of a big bug behind them!

Jack at his party.

Playing on the iPad, sharing Daisy's bed.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fireman Ring the Bell

Well Jack is officially 4. After birthday celebrations on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday, we are all birthdayed out! We had our usual visit from Grandma Gail and Grandpa Tom on Tuesday so we celebrated a day early with dinner and presents. On Wednesday, Jack woke up nice and early so that he could get a head start on opening presents.

After ripping through some early morning rapping paper, Jack headed off to school with some cupcakes for an at school birthday celebration. For dinner we headed out for Jack's choice - Chick-Fil-A - and he and Lily had a great time.

On Thursday and Friday we geared up for his birthday party on Saturday. We held the party at the local volunteer fire department. All the kids got to play pin the hat on the fireman which was expertly drawn by Cousin Stephanie. Then we had a tour of the fire house and got to see where the emergency calls come in. While in there and getting the tour, an emergency happened and the kids got see the firefighters jump into action. We finished up the tour and the kids got to climb into a fire truck. After the firefighters returned, one of the firemen came down to show the kids all of the gear that he wears out on calls. A little pizza, some cupcakes and fruit and then we were done. A great time was had by all.

After the party, Grandma Gail, Grandpa Tom, Aunt Kelly and Grandpa Maurice all came back to the house to watch Jack open all his gifts. It was quite a haul and he had a great time at his first real birthday party.

Saturday night we headed out for a quick bite and we finished the day up with a viewing of Arthur Christmas. Two thumbs up from the kids. On Sunday, Marcy took the kids to the local youth ballet's performance of the Nutcracker. The kids enjoyed it and it was a great weekend.

Blowing out Wednesday night's cupcake.

Jack and the fireman whose hat needed to be pinned on.

Lily coloring a hat - you can see Jack streaking by in the background.

Off by just a bit.


On the truck.

More candles to blow out.

Checking out he gear.


Opening presents with help from Grandpa Maurice and Aunt Kelly.

Dressed for the ballet.

Monday, December 05, 2011

The Well is Dry

We got nothing. A busy week and weekend and we neglected to take any pictures or video. We will do better next week with all the shots of Jack's birthday festivities.

Visits this week from returning Grandma Gail and Grandpa Tom along with Aunt Kelly. Lily had her last tennis lesson on Wednesday and a piano lesson on Thursday. Her piano is really coming along. Jack keeps getting better with his letters and is asking how to spell a wide variety of words.

On Friday we had movie night - we followed up our visit to the American Museum of Natural History in New York with a viewing of Night at the Museum which the kids really liked. On Saturday, Lily had her friend Maddie's birthday party so Jack and I ran some errands and he got a haircut. Saturday evening was spent at Grandma Gail and Grandpa Tom's for a sleepover. On Sunday, the kids put up Tom & Gail's Christmas Tree and had a good time with their grandparents all day.

That is all ... see you next week.